Least Reached

Who doesn't have a Bible in her language?

Who knows nobody that is a Christian?

Who has neighbors that are only Muslim?

Throughout the world there are not just individuals but entire ethnic groups who are separated from a knowledge of God and salvation by language, culture, religion, or geography.

These are the least-reached. They need our prayers. They need our friendship. They need Jesus.

Research and pray:

  • Individually and with a small group become aware and involved by Praying for the World Next Door
  • Joshua Project Learn about all the unreached people groups in the world. (If you have adopted an unreached people group, search for that group here).
  • Unreached Nearby Discover which unreached groups are near you and how to connect. 
  • Open Doors. Learn about the countries that have the highest amount of persecution of Christians.
  • Operation World  Pray for the whole world in one year. Find powerful prayer videos for various countries.
  • People Groups Gather more information about all the unreached people groups from another perspective. View excellent maps that show where the unreached especially are.

Take the Prayer Challenge:

Print and Share Prayer Cards for Unreached People Groups in North America

Join Us for United Prayer for the World Next Door

  • Tuesdays, 7:00-7:30 a.m. CT.
  • Call 1.602.580.9746, use access code 6207480

Share the Good News by Matching the Unreached People Group to their Language

Grow in Your Cross-Cultural Missions Knowledge and Skills

Tell Us Your Plan

Explore by Countries (watch for additions):





Related Information

Algeria Egypt Prayer Cards 1-10 Prayer Cards 11-20 Sudan